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Running AMM benchmarking tests


The following section aims to help us run benchmarking tests on the Eclipse Network.

Why AMM Benchmarking?

  • Essentially, we want to test the performance of the Eclipse Network by obtaining the transactions per second (TPS) that the network can handle and its latency.


  • You will have to have nodejs installed on your machine. You can install it from here.
  • Now, once you have that ready, you will have to clone our benchmarking repository. You can do that by running the following command:
git clone
  • To do this you will also have to ensure that git is installed. You can install it from here.

Running the benchmarking tests

  • To run the benchmarking tests, you will first have to navigate to the token_swap folder after cloning the repository.

  • First we need to install ts-node. To do this, run the following command:

npm i -g ts-node

You might have to give super user or admin permissions to install globally or use the -g flag.

  • Now we need to install the dependencies. To do this, run the following command:
npm i
  • Make sure to run this command inside the token_swap folder.

  • Now, the final step is to run the benchmarking tests using the following command:

ts-node spam.ts
  • This runs 10 instances of an AMM performing any specified number of swaps.

Modifying the benchmarking tests

  • To modify the number of swaps, we will have to modify the benchmark.ts file inside the token_swap folder.
  • The following is the code snippet that we will have to modify:
await mintTo(connection, payer, mintA, userAccountA, owner, SWAP_AMOUNT_IN);

console.log("Run test: benchmark swap");
await benchmarkSwap(275);

  • Here we can change the specified number of swaps. The default is 275.
  • The above code snippet is located at line 63 in the benchmark.ts file.


  • If all the steps are followed correctly, you should see an output similar to the following: Example